Attendance Expectations
Since attendance in school is a key factor their success and achievement, students are expected to be in school every day.
Excused Absences
Student absences are classified as “EXCUSED” when adequate documentation for each absence is provided. The best documentation is from the health care provider, but written notes from the parent or guardian are also acceptable. Up to three (3) days may be excused per semester with a home note.
All excuses must be turned in within five (5) school days of the absence. In addition to student illness, other events that are eligible for excusing are: death of immediate family member, recognized religious holidays, and/or other emergencies.
If more than one half of a class period is missed, the student is counted as absent from the class.
Classwork and/or assignments missed during an excused absence may be completed for credit within five (5) days of returning to school. (The teacher may extend this time, if the student makes the request for extension in writing.)
Unexcused Absences
All undocumented absences are classified as “UNEXCUSED”. After the accumulation of five (5) or more unexcused absences in a semester, the student (with a parent) may be required to attend a Truancy Review Hearing at which the Truancy Review Board will determine if extenuating circumstances exist. Continued accumulation of unexcused absences may result in action by the Juvenile Court.
Out of school suspensions are unexcused absences.
Driver’s License
Ten (10) consecutive or fifteen (15) total unexcused absences during any semester renders a student ineligible to obtain or retain a driver’s permit or license.